Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mockery of Political System in India

Mockery of Political System in India
Why minister are made in cabinet? Just for resignation or political sack…..Most of ministers’ hands are tied by their senior authorities and they work only for political sack, they don’t have liberty to do work for the country or their respective field. If a minister tries to improve the situation his/her legs are pulled by their seniors or opposition just for vote banks….what the hell this politics is all about? Is Indian Politics going in right direction? Is there any concern of peoples’ voice and country? Do only votes is their concern? What is their concern????  Let me put some examples of political mockery in India……
Most recent case of it is Railway Budget. Dinesh Trivedi, Railway Minister, sent resignation next to the day he presented the rail budget in parliament. What he did wrong? Did he not follow the TMC Mamta Banerjee (who is considered as the worst rail minister in history)? Dinesh Trivedi, a person who tried to improve the Railway, has been sacked. Railway is going to be next Air India if it is not managed carefully. What Dinesh Trivedi did wrong that he had to resign just because he tried to improve the Railway. Do Ministers not have any liberty to improve their respective industry, they are handling?  Congress is running with the fear of government fall if they will not support Mamta Banerjee.  Is it good for country to change minister semiannually and also who are not having knowledge of that?  Of course not….Why these Rail Minister come only from WB just because TMC will withdrawn its support from congress and as a result government will fall….Do we not have good educated people who can manage well compared to these vote beggars.  Why these ministers are selected on vote bank instead of knowledge. There are lot many others such cases are present in our political history.
If ministers are controlled remotely by their senior authority members then I will not say it democracy
“Resignation is about taking responsibility, not preparing ground for votes”